our solutions

Cloud Security


Cloud Security

Our Cloud security provide a whole bundle of technology, protocols, and best practices that protect cloud computing environments, applications running in the cloud, and data held in the cloud.

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    Data Security

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    DR/BC Plan

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    Identity Access Management

Data security

Numen One provides encryption solutions that scrambles your data so that it’s only readable by someone who has the encryption key. If your data is lost or stolen, it will be effectively unreadable and meaningless. Data transit protections like virtual private networks (VPNs) are also emphasized in cloud networks

Identity and access management (IAM)

Setup options in Numen One accessibility privileges offered to user accounts. Managing authentication and authorization. Access controls to restrict users — both legitimate and malicious — from entering and compromising sensitive data and systems. Password management, multi-factor authentication, and other methods.


Numen One guide in managing policies for threat prevention, detection, and mitigation.

Data retention (DR) and business continuity (BC) planning

Involve technical disaster recovery measures in case of data loss. Setting up backups, having technical systems for ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Legal compliance

Help Implementation of Data masking to hide PII information and enabling encryption per the defined government regulation /policy